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Grilled Lamb Kabobs

From Monroe Farm Market

<p>Spicy lamb kebabs, a side of rice, and perhaps a drizzle of yogurt sauce complete this summer spread.</p>
Servings: varies
Ingredient keywords: ground, cilantro, onion
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Grilled Okra and Tomatoes

From Athens Locally Grown

<p>A very simple, delicious alternative to fat-laden fried okra, this recipe is especially good for those nights when you are grilling other items for supper. Make your life easier, though, and if you don&#8217;t have a grill basket, go get one immediately. You&#8217;ll be surprised to find how much more often you grill veggies if you never have to deal with them falling through and going up in flames!</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Cookin' Southern Vegetarian Style, by Ann Jackson.
Servings: 4-5
Ingredient keywords: okra, oil, tomato
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Grilled Oriental Eggplant

From Dawson Local Harvest

<p><span class="caps">EASY</span> <span class="caps">GRILLED</span> <span class="caps">ORIENTAL</span> <span class="caps">EGGPLANT</span> &#8211; Simple, quick, idiot-proof, and a nice change to &#8217;taters.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Mr. Leilani
Servings: serves 4-8 as a side dish
Ingredient keywords: Eggplant
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Grilled Packet Potatoes

From Stones River Market

<p>Showcasing the potatoes on the Market, this recipe comes from Yummly and The Kitchn.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Yummly and The Kitchn (
Servings: Serves 4
Ingredient keywords: honey, potato, garlic, parsley
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Grilled Peaches

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>Warm peaches with a big scoop of ice cream and topped with crunchy, locally grown pecans! lease consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: peach, syrup, butter, pecan, cream
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Grilled Romaine

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>If you&#8217;ve never tried grilling your salad, you certainly should! A little olive oil, a little salt, and a minute on the grill and you&#8217;ll have crisp greens with crunchy grilled flavor. You will be amazed how much romaine one person can eat when it&#8217;s prepared this way! Different and fun!</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Kathy & Beth
Servings: One head of romaine will feed 1 or 2 people
Ingredient keywords: romaine, olive, salt, pepper, croutons, Parmesan
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Grilled Shrimp & Satsuma Salad

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>Packed with veggies &amp; flavor, this salad is absolutely sensational! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Source: (modified slightly)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: satsuma, pepper, onion, arugula, lettuce, shrimp, cilantro, satsuma, oil, cilantro
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Grilled Shrimp in Banana-leaf Pouch

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A tasty little seafood pouch! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 2
Ingredient keywords: shrimp, lime, onion, pepper, garlic, basil, sauce, banana, cilantro
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Grilled Spicy Lamb Burgers

From Jonesborough Locally Grown

<p>I found this recipe on the internet and it was perfect for Clover Creek ground lamb and Ziegenwald feta.</p>
Source: All
Servings: 4 burgers
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Grilled Stuff Pork Chops

From Stones River Market

<p>I receive emails from the America&#8217;s Test Kitchen and this recipe was the featured recipe of the week.</p> <p>From their email:&quot;Americans are fickle about pork. We insist on the leanest meat possible but then complain when it tastes and chews like shoe leather. Brining is a good way to combat dryness and deeply season the meat, but this trick takes far too long for a quick weeknight meal. We found that we could achieve those same goals by stuffing pork chops with moist, flavorful ingredients while the grill was heating up. &quot;</p>
Source: Cook's Country - Recipes that Work -
Servings: Serves four
Ingredient keywords: onion, pork
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